Designers: Rob Daviau and Justin D. Jacobson
Artist: Oliver Barrett
Oliver Barrett
Artistic Tidbits from Interviews with The Unmatched Historian
- Oliver's favorite character to work on from the original Unmatched sets was "Robin Hood, because he doesn’t have a face. I squeezed as much as I could out of that shadowed hood, and it was liberating to not have to stress about making sure the likeness was correct or if the eyes were anatomically in the right place, etc. I could just cast a shadow over it and move on to other details."
** These quotes are from a previous interview done with Oliver under the label 1-2-Punchboard. You can find the full interview here.**
Designers: Rob Daviau and Justin D. Jacobson
Artist: Oliver Barrett
Source Material: American Folklore
Thematic Map: Yukon
Recommended Match-Ups: Achilles, Annie Christmas, Beowulf, Little Red, Moon Knight
History and Fun Facts
- Due to Bigfoot being such a powerful character in the early meta of Unmatched, the game makers, as stated by Brian Neff, have gone out of their way to design characters that can counter "The Big 3" (Sherlock, Medusa, and Bigfoot) while being susceptible to lower tier characters like King Arthur.
Brian Neff, Discord, July 28th, 2021 and March 29th 2021
- Restoration has internally given every character ability a title, even though only some character cards feature them. Justin Jacobson revealed that Bigfoot's ability name is "Loner By Nature."
Justin Jacobson, Discord, September 27th, 2022
- The Restoration team has strived to maintain Medusa and Bigfoot as the power ceiling of the game to avoid power creep moving forward.
Winter of Champions 2023
ETOCUD (Bigfoot)
littleexpressionlessanimal (Little Red Riding Hood)
Recommended Roster:
The Hunters and the Hunted
Bigfoot is a sturdy bruiser with tons of tools at his disposal, and his competition is no different. These characters pack a punch but have some clever ways of dealing damage outside of combat, both through card effects and character abilities.
Robin Hood
Designers: Rob Daviau and Justin D. Jacobson
Artist: Oliver Barrett
Source Material: Robin Hood and the Monk
Thematic Map: Sherwood Forest
Recommended Match-Ups: Achilles, Bruce Lee, Bullseye, Daredevil, Dracula, Sinbad
History and Fun Facts
- As of writing Robin Hood's deck features the most common cards out of any character in the game; "Ambush," "Disarming Shot," "Piercing Shot," "Snark," "Wily Fighting," "Feint," and "Regroup". While having a unique title, "A Hunter's Eye" can also be considered a common card since it's a 5-value attack with no ability.
- Restoration has internally given every character ability a title, even though only some character cards feature them. Justin Jacobson revealed that Robin Hood's ability name is "Hit and Run."
Justin Jacobson, Discord, September 27th, 2022
- During the character's design, there was an internal discussion regarding whether Robin Hood's sidekicks should be called "Merry Men" or "Outlaws." Due to the facts that there is no singular form of "Merry Men", resulting in weird wording, and one of the members of the "Merry Men" is a woman, Maid Marian, Rob Daviau ultimately decided that "Outlaws" was the better of the two options.
Summer of Legends 2023
zeroskatr12 (Robin Hood)
PhantomX (Winter Soldier)
Summer of Legends 2023
zeroskatr12 (Robin Hood)
PhantomX (Houdini)
Recommended Roster:
Under Pressure
Robin Hood may have a fist full of cards and an army of Outlaws, but when the enemy gets close he can crumble under the weight of their attacks. Each of these characters looks to put gradual pressure on Robin, whittling away at his resources gradually before they can close in for the kill.