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Designers: Justin D. Jacobson and Brian Neff
Artist: Marc Aspinall


- Both Brian Neff and Noah Cohen joined the Unmatched team with the Little Red Riding Wolf vs. Beowulf box.

Justin Jacobson, Discord, January 24th, 2021



Primary Designer: Justin D. Jacobson
Artist: Marc Aspinall

Source Material: Beowulf

Thematic Map: Heorot

Recommended Match-Ups: Alice, Bigfoot, Bloody Mary, Bruce Lee, Houdini, King Arthur, Luke Cage

Card List Provided By Unmatched.Cards

History and Fun Facts

- When discussing design philosophy, Justin talked about how "[y]ou do want to be careful about cards that are too swingy because then each game generally just comes down to how that card plays out and it minimizes the rest of the game. Beowulf has a card like that, and it's right about at the limit of what we would want to do in that regard without accounting for the variance in some other way." The card he is alluding to here is likely The Ancient Heirloom.

Justin Jacobson, Discord, June 22nd, 2021


At some point during the design process, Beowulf had "situational ranged attacks", but this was ultimately cut and saved for a future design because "the hero needed to be built around it rather than just a card or two."

Justin Jacobson, Discord, February 23rd, 2021

Summer of Legends 2022
Darkblade113 (Achilles)


Unmatchad (Beowulf)

Rules Clarifications



When does Beowulf gain Rage?

The moment he takes damage, Rage gain is instantaneous.


If both Beowulf and his opponent dies during a combat due to Equal to Grendal, who wins the game?

Beowulf's opponent, the active fighter, wins the game.

Recommended Roster:
Bruised Knuckles

This character selection prioritizes characters that are beginner-friendly and relatively straightforward to pilot but don't pull any punches. With all the fighters having a Move 2, there's more encouragement to get down and dirty rather than keeping your distance.


Little Red Riding Hood

Primary Designer: Brian Neff
Artist: Marc Aspinall

Source Material: Little Red Riding Hood

Thematic Map: Heorot

Recommended Match-Ups: Achilles, Bigfoot, InGen, Luke Cage, Nikola Tesla, Robin Hood

Card List Provided By Unmatched.Cards

History and Fun Facts

- Brian Neff has previously presented Little Red as an example of a character that caters to "both the casual and hardcore players" of Unmatched.

Brian Neff, Discord, May 27th, 2022


- In terms of character design, Brian Neff has expressed that there's a limit to how much the design team wants players to pay attention to cards in their discard pile; "We certainly care about the top card of your discard pile in a couple of places (most notably, Little Red), but we don't ever want people to pay attention to anything more than a card type (like Sindbad's Journeys or Bruce's Jeets) in the discard."

Brian Neff, Discord, February 9th, 2022


- Little Red's aesthetic design isn't 100% true to the source material because "often the minority characters are portrayed in a negative light. For example, female characters tend to skew toward witches, temptresses, children, etc., so we have to be clever, twisting the tales to make a more threatening Alice or Little Red."

Justin Jacobson, Discord, August 12th, 2021

Winter of Champions 2023
ETOCUD (Bigfoot)


littleexpressionlessanimal (Little Red Riding Hood)

Rules Clarifications



What happens if an opponent discards a card from Little Red within a combat?

The card gets discarded and enters the discard at the timing step of the discard effect. Little Red's cards check the basket only during their respective timing step. The card Little Red played will always end up being discarded last and end up on top of her discard. This means a card getting discarded could change the symbol on top of your basket to one you didn't want it to be. This also applies to opponent effects that let you BOOST your card.

Recommended Roster:
All Part of the Plan

Each of these characters involves a play style that you'll need to carefully plan around if you want to make the most of their cards. Pin your opponents in a corner using your careful cunning, making full use of the tools at your disposal.

The Unmatched Historian

By Luke Muench

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